Two kinds of life, physical and spiritual, life started
at the creation Gen 1,2&3 God did not intend to have a creation that did not contain life. After he formed man, he breathed
into us the breath of life and we became a living soul. The life we live in the flesh will determine
how we live in eternity. Gal 2:20; Tit 2:12; Rom 12:1-2; Christ had to die to attone our sins, in that we could not get
forgiveness on our own Jas 1;12-15 The reason he had to die was what we find in Rom 3:23 "For
all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" also, the familure passage John 3:16 and Rom 5:8 Christ was not at fault
because he died, but without his death, we all would be doomed to hell.
The Church
The church was created by Jesus as the second step of life, Mt 16:18; before it could
be established, Christ had to die to disolve the Old Testament, Col 2:12-15; he had to die so his church
could be established so we could have a way of salvation, to get into his church, we too have to die to the old life of sin
through, hearing his word, Rom 10:17; believing his word, Mk 16:16; Heb 11:6; repenting of our sins, Lk 13:3; burry
the old man of sin in baptism, Gal 2:20; Rom 6:3,4; then we begin to live this new life until eternity Rev 2:10
Eternity is described in the bible as a place without end, Rev 14:11; a
life forever with God and Christ; 1 Jn 2:25; Heb 5:8,9; Rom 10:9,10; God did not want anyone to loose their soul
2 Pet 3:9 eternity was made by God for us, we choose the way we go, Matt 7:13-14