Jesus tells Peter, "upon this rock I will build (my) church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
it" Mt 16:18 The word my shows posessiveness and that he has ownership. Christ did not build his church with his
hands, but he established it with that foundation of faith that Peter confessed. His church is made up of individual
members 1 Cor 12:27; after he established his church on
the day of pentecost, from that 3000 souls, he added to it of those who followed the acts that the others did on that
day and he added others, "such as should be saved" Acts 2:47; Paul tells us that his church is his body
Eph 1:22-23
Enter Christ's church
A person is not a member of the body of Christ until he or she obeys
the acts of obedience set forth in the New Testament;
Many try to promote entering the church according to the doctrine of
man, man promotes, worshiping on Saturday,
man promotes instrumental music in worship, man promotes sprinking or
pouring water over the head as baptism, man teaches other doctrine contrary to Christ's doctrine; Jesus states in Matt 15:9,
"but in vain, do men worship me, teaching for doctrine
(substituting) the commandments of men"
The acts of obedience
Hear the word
Believe the word Mk 16:16; Heb 11:6
Repent of your sins Luke 13:3
Confess your faith in Jesus before men Rom 10:9,10; Mt 10:32,33
Be burried in baptism Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3,4
Rise to walk in newness of life Rom 6:4
Be faithful until death Rev 2:10
Work Phil 2:12